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Community Information Centre (CIC) works as a part of the Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank, registering new clients to our Food Bank. The Centre also does an in-depth assessment of clients’ non-food needs via telephone follow up and assists them in accessing other support services in the community.


When a client visits our Food Bank for the first time, basic information is collected in order to register them. This facilitates the recording of future visits and allows us to assess whether overall Food Bank usage is increasing or decreasing. Any information that is provided by our clients is strictly confidential.

Churches on-the-Hill Foodbank community information centre


As a first time visitor to our Food Bank, you will be asked for the following information:
  1. Identification (Drivers License or Health Card, or Passport or Visa)
  2. Identification for all household members using the services of the Food Bank
  3. Proof of address (OW or ODSP cheque record, rental agreement) and phone number


CIC also completes an in-depth needs assessment for each client to identify other “non-food” areas of support by telephone.

These include:

  • legal assistance to appeal a denied claim for benefits such as disability
  • referral support for housing assistance
  • referral support for clothing and furniture needs
  • referral support for medical and dental services
  • referral support for other meal programs (eg: breakfast programs at area churches)
  • referral support for education and training
  • referral support for employment services


For inquiries, please telephone 416-967-3842 and leave your contact information. A member of our team will return your call.